NeveSkin FAQ

Neveskin™ is a non-invasive device that combines hot and cold temperatures with special massage techniques to shape and tone the body, provide an instant facelift, and soothe localized pain. The massage wand reaches temperatures that are gentle and calming for both body and face. 

No suction, no surgery and no downtime! See incredible results in under an hour.

How does NeveSkin Work?

NeveSkin safely stimulates neocollagenesis, a process in which new collagen is produced in response to inflammation. Neocollagenesis is a natural component of the body’s wound-healing mechanisms. 

Collagen is a vital protein in the body and a key factor in the skin's ability to become more elastic which directly affects the laxity and aging of the skin. When collagen bands are strong in the dermal layer this prevents “dead space” which can present as excess circumference or a rounder appearance. 

The precise alternating heat and cold technology applied during NeveSkin treatments triggers the production of fibroblasts and new collagen deposits.

Why is Collagen Production Important?

Collagen plays a vital role in the body as a foundational protein, impacting skin elasticity and playing a direct role in skin firmness and the aging process. Clinical evidence shows that our production of new collagen starts to slow in our late 20s to early 30s. Gradually we start to lose a minimum of 1% of our collagen per year once the decline starts! Once new collagen is formed, it has a lifespan of 6 years. However, this doesn’t stop time (i.e. reabsorption caused by age, genetic predisposition, lifestyle, etc) and therefore ongoing maintenance is recommended.

How can neocollagenesis create circumferential reduction?

Neocollagenesis aids in strengthening the extracellular matrix, which in turn creates a sustainable “collagen corset” effect. Additionally, this new production of collagen aids in improving overall skin health, firmness, and toning.

How do the Neveskin treatments feel?

Neveskin feels like a cold stone massage. The session is non-invasive and should feel cool yet relaxing throughout your entire service. At some point, our clients may experience itchiness due to increased circulation to the area as well as numbness due to the cold temperatures.

What are the side effects of Neveskin?

The main side effects from Neveskin are skin warmth, skin dryness, skin tightness, a temporary itching sensation,temporary mild swelling of tissue and/or erythema in the area of application. All of these are temporary and will subside.

What is the difference between Coolsculpting and Neveskin? 

Our Neveskin treatments offer a holistic approach to targeting both circumferential reduction and skin rejuvenation through the activation of connective tissue, resulting in comprehensive aesthetic enhancement. Compared to other cold therapy devices on the market, Neveskin Shape sessions do not work on subcutaneous fat tissue, meaning there is no chance of adverse events or side effects, such as PAH. In addition to no adverse events being a concern, multiple areas can be carried out in the same session, maximizing your time!

Why do I need 5 sessions? Don’t I only need one?

While we would love for you to experience the amazing benefits of Neveskin one time, we also want you to achieve the best results. These results are cumulative, and best results will be accomplished with a minimum of 3-5 sessions. Also keep in mind, when purchasing your visits in a series, you’ll receive a free introductory session! You will miss out on this savings when purchasing a single visit. 

What should I avoid before / after my NeveSkin treatment?

We recommend you wait at least 24 hours after your NeveSkin treatment before booking the following services:

● Sugar and carbs

● Hot saunas

● Vigorous exercise

● Heated treatments

● Jacuzzis

● Steam rooms

● Artificial tanning beds

Why do I need to avoid foods high in sugars/carbs for 2 hours before & after?

Sugar consumption can lead to inflammation and may impact the body's ability to respond to treatments aimed at toning and firming the skin. Additionally, reducing sugar intake can help support general health and wellness, which can positively influence the outcome of any service.