Pricing and Packages
60 minutes- $130
5 Pack - $575
10 Pack - $1000
It’s important to note that HBOT does not claim to cure any of the aforementioned conditions, instead, it alleviates the associated symptoms. The additional pure oxygen received during a Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment has been proven to improve mobility and brain functions.
Table of Contents

Pricing and Packages
60 minutes- $130
5 Pack - $575
10 Pack - $1000
Sports recovery:
Many athletes, coaches, and physical therapists, have been utilizing HBOT to heal injuries and improve performance. Increased oxygen has been proven to decrease lactic acid and speed up recovery from sprains, bone fractures, muscle strain, fatigue, and head injuries like concussions. Players reported better concentration and higher levels of serotonin. Most notably, HBOT reduces inflammation& pain when used before or after sports practice.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity (meaning less insulin is needed to bring down blood sugar.) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions "can help to reduce major amputation in diabetic foot ulcers by repairing tissue" and inducing circulation. Diabetic patients reported less risk of organ failure and closure in typically non-healing wounds.
Cerebral Palsy
It is estimated that in the United States, roughly “764,000 children and adults currently have Cerebral Palsy.” Higher levels of oxygen have proven to recover and repair areas of the brain tissues that have been damaged. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy improves cognitive function, speech and language, balance, and motor skills. Doctors have also reported a decrease in seizures.
Hyperbaric oxygen Therapy works synergistically with radiation and chemotherapy while alleviating the side effects associated with cancer treatments. HBOT weakens tumor volume and aggression accelerates healing, and prevents new infections.
Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is caused by bacteria being transmitted through tick bites. Oxygen is crucial for killing bacteria, so HBOT sessions are used to increase white blood cell activity and immune system response. Patients also reported a decrease in their chronic fatigue, headaches, and insomnia.
Post-stroke patients who receive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatments saw a decrease in their chances of having another stroke. Many also reported improved neuroplasticity, vision, speech, and motor skills.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injuries can be caused by severe impacts to the head, usually from falling, car crashes, and sports accidents. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy recovers damaged tissues by increasing oxygen blood flow in the brain and reducing neuroinflammation. After multiple sessions, patients experienced better cognitive function and improved speech and language, motor skills, and balance.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
There is no current cure for Alzheimer’s or dementia, but there are therapies like HBOT that can help with cognitive function. Patients who underwent Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy experienced less disorientation, anxiety, and frustration. Due to the enhanced blood flow to the brain, they also saw an improvement in attention, memory, and concentration.
Addiction Recovery
When drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs began incorporating Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, they noticed a significant improvement in recovery time. Oxygen stimulates cellular detoxification and regenerates brain tissues damaged by drug abuse. HBOT helps recovering adults stabilize their sleep, appetite, and overall moods. Doctors also noticed an improvement in withdrawal symptoms.
Autism and ADHD
Due to the increased availability of screenings, autism in adults and children is becoming more and more common. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy alleviates some of the symptoms autistic individuals experience. Oxygen treatments decrease inflammation in the brain and body, stabilize sleep patterns, and increase sensory awareness. Autistic patients even reported their attention spans and digestive health improved.

Ready to Book?
To book an appointment, call or text us at (626) 578-9119 and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and set up your Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy session!
Those with the following conditions should speak with a doctor before booking your appointment:
Lung diseases, collapsed lung, cold or flu, ear infections, ear injury, and/or ear surgery.